General information
General information
Basic information for your stay in Portugal.
Scholarship holder
Grantee Declaration
The Scholarship Holder Declaration is a document requested from the Student Department of the Embassies to prove the status of the Cape Verdean Student Scholarship Holder.
Declaration of Registration at the Health Center
The declaration of registration at the Health Center is the document that allows Students to access the national health service in their respective countries through bilateral cooperation agreements. Non-scholarship students must submit proof of registration or academic attendance from the Higher Education Institution they attend.
Non-scholarship holder
Declaration of Registration at the Health Center
The declaration of registration at the Health Center is the document that allows Students to access the national health service in their respective countries through bilateral cooperation agreements. Non-scholarship students must submit proof of registration or academic attendance from the Higher Education Institution they attend.
Student Declaration
The Student Declaration is a document requested from the Student Department of the Embassies to prove the status of a Cape Verdean Student in Higher Education.